It’s a serious problem, and lots and lots of us are affected by it! The Sitting Disease is caused by…too much sitting!
All that sitting causes lots of muscle and body malfunctions and aches and pains and premature aging.
Knots in your back, problems breathing, constipation, carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoporosis, back pain and headaches and MORE are caused by “The Sitting Disease.”
It’s practically an epidemic! But there is a simple, natural cure.
Can’t get much more simple than that, right?
When you walk correctly, you use almost all of the muscles in your whole body! Pretty cool.
My friend, Rosalie, had the sitting disease. At first, she could only walk around her own back yard and then, eventually, around the block. And then she ended up race walking and had a ton of health benefits!
All from walking, even though she didn’t want to, and from gradually ‘stepping up’ her walking distance as her ability increased.