What Causes Back Pain

We humans get back pain when our muscles get out of balance.  How does this happen?

Well, we are supposed to move, run, jump, climb, roll and continue doing all of the cool, fun things we did as young children.

But most of us do not.  🙁

So, we get back pain.

Why?  Because we are no longer using our muscles in a balanced way.  We use the same 60 or 70 or so each day and the rest of the 600 muscles are ignored.  When those muscles get unhappy, you get pain.

Walking is a perfect exercise and movement to help heal back pain.  Unless you were born with a disability that prevents you from walking, you were born to walk!

Walking uses your whole body.  It’s all attached and when you walk, your hips joints move.  Your shoulders move.  Your spine sways from side to side.

I like to tell the story of my friend, Rosalie.  She got rid of hip pain (she could only crawl up the stairs) and neuropathy (numbness from diabetes) in her feet AND she doubled her lung capacity.  Her pulmonary (lung) doctor was amazed!  She got all of these benefits just from walking!

My friend, Glenn, didn’t get much help from his doctor or the physical therapist (in fact, he quit therapy.)  But he got tremendous relief from walking. He could not go far at first (only 20 or so feet) but at his back relaxed over time, he was able to go farther and farther.

When you walk correctly–as you were designed to do–it helps your body regain its muscular balance.  In turn, that will help you with your back pain.

Some folks clomp their feet.  They no longer roll their feet when they walk.  They jar and jam their joints.  (Is that you?)

Or they use their back pain as an excuse not to walk.

Some people have gotten into poor postural habits.  This is not too hard to do when you use only those 60 or 70 muscles each day instead of all of them.

Getting a strong back (<– click here) will help prevent and eliminate back pain and strain.

Walking can help you regain the fluid movement that will help you get rid of your back pain.

And eating healthy foods, drinking enough water and getting enough rest in a comfortable, supportive bed will also help you become pain-free.

If you take the simple, natural steps that your body wants you to take, you can have back pain relief.  Walking is a “step” in the right direction!


4 Replies to “What Causes Back Pain”

  1. Great reminder Kathryn! I get back pain quite frequently and I know the exact cause – sitting in front of a computer all too often. So, at least for today, I will be taking a walk this evening… (btw – it wasn’t planned until after reading your blog)


    1. Thank you, Sally! Frequent stretches help prevent and relieve back pain but walking is a wonderful whole body movement that helps so many things. Enjoy your walk (and make it a habit!)


  2. Ma’am,I still have the pain in my upper back.im fraustrated and don’t know what to do.please help!

    1. Hi Pixy,

      Please go to http://SimpleBackPainRelief.com to find lots more information about why you have back pain and how to get rid of it naturally. I apologize for my delay in responding. I didn’t see this message and don’t know why.

      My best long distance guess is that your pain involves your posture? Strengthening the muscles between your shoulder blades and spine can help. More articles at http://SimpleStrengthening.com

      Best wishes,

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