Neck pain can come all the way from your feet!
Moving your feet while you lay in bed can help you get rid of a stiff back, stiff neck or tight hip muscles. Moving your feet actually causes movement in all of the muscles up to your head. Why? Because they are all attached!
Here are some simple pain relief movements you can do.
Lay on your back. Uncover your feet if you are in bed. Hold one foot toes up and swish your foot from side to side. Pretend your foot is the windshield wiper on a car. Do this movement until your muscles start to tire or for about a minute.
If you place your hand under the top of your upper leg (your hip joint) while you’re doing this, you will feel movement there. And “all” you have done is move your foot!
Then rest for at least 20 seconds.
While you are resting, pay attention to the sensation in your leg. Warm & buzzy? Nice.
Now make circles with your foot in one direction until your leg starts to become tired or for about one minute. If you cannot make big movements just make small movements; that will work just as well. Then rest and observe.
Do all of the movements you can think of with one foot, in every direction you can think of. Rest between each movement. Then do the same movements with your other foot.
This is good to do when you are going to sleep or when you wake up…or both!
Imagine: Moving your feet to get rid of pain in your neck.