Is Your Posture Good Or Poor? How Can You Tell?

Is your posture good or not-so-good?

People with poor posture look like they are leaning or collapsing forward.

Often their head is way forward in front of their body (“forward head posture.”)  The curve in their neck is either too much or too flat, and so is the curve behind their waist. Their shoulders round forward.

Poor posture impacts a LOT of your body!  Almost every part of your body is affected by collapsed posture.

Here are several things you can check so you will know whether your posture is good or not-so-good.

1.  Stand up and hold your arms at your sides in their usual position.  Look down.  If your thumbs are pointing to each other, your shoulders are rounded forward.  Your chest muscles are tight and shortened.  They are pulling your shoulders forward. 🙁  But, if your thumbs point straight ahead, your shoulders aren’t rounded forward. 🙂

2.  Are you constantly straightening up and constantly collapsing forward again? That’s a clue that the muscles in the front of your body are short and pulling you forward.  You need to strengthen your back muscles.

3.  Are your feet flat or do you have nice arches?  Flat feet will cause your posture to collapse because flat arches move your weight forward.

4.  Does the front of your neckline choke you or always slide backward or even sideways?

5.  Do you get a lot of headaches, pain in your neck or back?  Those are symptoms caused by poor posture.

If you discover that your posture isn’t so good, there’s a lot you can do.  There are articles at Simple Strengthening that will help you get straight and strong.

And, I have good news for you!

Bodies want to be well and you can correct your posture.  When your posture is better, you will have less pain in your head, back, arms…all over!


One Reply to “Is Your Posture Good Or Poor? How Can You Tell?”

  1. Ok, you’ve got my attention; I definitely need to lengthen my front muscles. I’m stretching!

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