If you suffer from pain in your lower back and neck you can benefit from a lumbar support pillow. It’s easy to make your own and it’s a good way to get natural back pain relief.
You can create a lumbar support from a small folded hand towel or create a “pillow” from a batt of fiberfill. Get a bag of fiberfill batting at a fabric store or department store.
Remove the batt from the bag and fold it to where it feels good for your back. Cut off the piece you will use. That becomes your new lumbar support pillow.
The beauty of fiberfill is that it doesn’t cost much. Batting comes in a roll or sheet. You don’t want the fluffy loose fill; you want a batt. It says batting on the label.
You can put your homemade pillow into a pillow case or not.
Make a few different sizes and you can switch as the day goes on.
Muscles like to be in a lot of different positions. So sometimes you can use a lumbar support and sometimes don’t use one. Keep your back muscles moving and they will give you fewer aches and pains.
The lumbar support fills the little hollow in your lower back. It should be placed behind your natural waist.
If you have a big hollow behind your waist that means the muscles in your lower back are a bit too tight. It also means that muscles in the front of your legs and probably your abdomen are pulling on your spine, too. You are only supposed to have a little hollow in the small of your back.
Making your own lumbar support is a great way to help relieve lower back pain naturally.
Discover more great information to get rid of your aching back at http://BackPainNaturalRelief.com