Does Mousing Causes Pain Behind Your Shoulder?

Your computer mouse can cause pain around your shoulder blade and below your armpit.  Here are a few things to do that will help you prevent that.

1.  Stretch your arm up and slightly backward.

2.  Squeeze your shoulder blades toward your spine.  Or try to touch your elbows together behind your back.  You probably can’t really do that but it gets your muscles moving in the right direction.

3.  Place your mouse in front of your body near the midline as close as possible.

4.  Switch to your left or opposite hand.  This really is doable and will only take you a couple of days to get used to it.

5.  Roll your shoulders up and back, up and back.

6.  Keep the elbow of your mouse hand next to your waist.  No stretching forward allowed!  It’s the stretching that aggravates the muscles near your shoulder blade.

Here’s a little video that will help you learn how to balance all of the muscles around your shoulder.

And if your hands or arms are having uncomfortable symptoms, there are lots of articles and information at

When you take steps to balance your muscles and stop doing the things that are causing your symptoms, you can get rid of that ‘mouse shoulder pain.’


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