Tension Headache Natural Relief

Tension headaches should really be called Muscle Tension Headaches.  They happen when we do things that tighten the muscles that attach at the base of the head.  What are some of these things?

1.  Driving.  Most car seats tilt back too far or have headrests that push your head forward.  Either of these will strain the muscles that cause tension headaches.

2.  Couches (sofas) and chairs that have too much backward lean.

3.  Slouching or sitting on your tailbone with a rounded back.  Slouching or leaning sideways will do it, too.

4.  Forward head posture or holding your head in front of your body.

What’s the solution?

1.  Padding the back of your car seat so you can sit more upright or farther away from the headrest.

2.  Getting a strong back, including the muscles in the back of your neck, and improving your posture.

3.  Sitting ‘up’ straighter.  Using a prop or pillow behind your waist can help.

4.  Lifting your chest so your head can move back more over your body where it is supposed to be and getting a strong back helps, too.

If you take action, you can start to be rid of your headaches.  There are a lot of articles at http://SimpleStrengthening.com that will help you improve your posture and get rid of your muscle tension headaches.  🙂


2 Replies to “Tension Headache Natural Relief”

  1. There are various completely different things which will cause a migraine headache and there are simply as many ways in which to prevent them. Some treatment ways are geared toward treating the symptoms whereas others attempt to treat the foundation cause. Treating the symptoms is a temporary fix and is often achieved by using painkillers.

    1. Absolutely! There are many causes for migraines but many of them can be alleviated and when they are gone, so are the headaches.

      Preventing migraines is almost easy when one understands how bodies work and why we get head pain. Even the things that we cannot change, like monthly hormone shifts, can be helped somewhat by taking natural actions like correcting dietary insults, adding the nutrients we need, and making corrections to posture.

      Painkillers mask symptoms; they don’t change the cause of the migraine headache.

      Thank you for writing!

      The Pain Relief Coach

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