Knee Pain Has Many Causes

There are many causes for knee pain.  Sometimes painful knees may have several causes working at the same time.  The good news is that most of the causes involve muscles and soft tissues (not bone) and can be easily “fixed.”

Sometimes knee pain is caused by an accident or injury to the bones and ligiments.  And, sometimes surgery is required to repair the damage.  In that case, muscles may still be involved.

Working on your muscles–getting them balanced by using all of them, relaxing those that are “too tight” and releasing trigger points–will still benefit you.

Muscles in your thigh can cause knee pain.

Muscles in the hamstring can also cause knee pain.

So can the muscles of your lower leg.

And so can the muscle directly behind your knee, in the bend.  That muscle can cause pain that is felt behind your whole kneecap.

Injections into your thigh muscle (for instance, insulin injections) can cause trigger points to develop and fire pain into your knee.

Sitting in certain postures and habitual positions can cause knee pain.  Some people sit with one foot tucked under their butt for long periods.  This can cause a trigger point in your thigh muscles to keep recurring.

So, muscles can cause knee pain simply by pulling on the knee cap AND/OR muscles can get trigger points which “fire” into your knee.

That means the pain is felt in your knee but the cause is elsewhere.  Get rid of the cause–the trigger point–and you will get rid of your pain.

What’s the reason this is good news?

Muscles can be released naturally.  Soft tissue can be released.  Muscles can be normalized and function better again.

Look under Categories for the Massage Category.  There you will find an article about How To Find A Massage Therapy Who Can Help You.  Massage therapists are muscle specialists.  Some are muscle pain specialists.

So knee pain is not always caused by muscles but it often is.  Taking care of your muscles with therapeutic massage, stretching and strengthening, and releasing trigger points can help you get rid of your knee pain naturally.


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