Jaw Pain – Causes & Natural Cures for TMJ

Having a forward head  posture puts a lot of strain on the muscles of your neck and jaw.  Having a “forward head” means that your head (and often one or both shoulders, too) are in front of your body.

Where should your head be instead?

Well, when you were a toddler, it was pretty much directly over your body and that’s still where it should be.  Due to habits, furniture, car seats, work and life, sometimes our head moves out in front of us.

That causes a lot of symptoms and temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ)  pain, or pain and difficulty moving your jaw, can be one of those symptoms.

If chewing has been painful for you…

or if it’s been hard to open or move your jaw…

or if it feels as though your jaw is dislocated…let’s talk about muscles and joints.

There are muscles all over your body and head including in and around your mouth.

There are muscles that let you open and close your jaw, which is a joint.  Two of these muscles are on each side of your jaw joint.  They are called pterygoid muscles.  They are tucked in behind your lower jawbone.

When the pterygoid muscles get tight, or develop trigger points, they can cause difficulty opening your mouth.  They can also cause pain in the TMJ area, difficulty breathing through your nose, ringing in your ears and “sinus” pain (but it’s really not a sinus issue.)  You can release, or relax, these muscles by pressing into them with your fingers.

There are two types of pterygoids.  Let’s call them “lower” and “upper.”

You can press up under your jaw bone with your thumb or finger, at the end of the jaw closest to your ear, and press into the “lower” pterygoid.  This might be very painful.  That’s a sign that you are in the right place.  The pressure from your finger causes the muscle to relax because it improves circulation.  You may be tender afterward if the spot is very painful, so take it easy on yourself.  (But don’t give up.)
Warning: There is a tiny bone extension in that region.  If it feels like you’re pressing on bone, move off and look for softer tissue.

The next muscle is the major cause of TMJ dysfunction and pain.

To get to the “upper” pterygoid, you need to reach into your mouth with a finger.  The muscle you are looking for is way in the back of your upper jaw, beyond your back teeth.  Push your finger back as far beyond the teeth as you can and then make tiny massaging movements with your finger tip in (toward your throat) and up (toward the top of your head.)  It will be very painful if these muscles are tight or have trigger points.

If it is very painful when you press on the spots, you know you have found a cause of your pain.

Of course, you need to have very short finger nails to do this work.

You must press deeply enough to determine whether these muscles are causing your TMJ issues.  Fortunately (or not?) the muscles in your mouth will be tender and that tells you whether they need to be released.

Even though you may have some tenderness, and it might take several sessions of self-treatment, you will see a decrease in your jaw pain  symptoms.

Use your body wisdom to determine how deeply and how often you should do this.  If you feel that you have bruising afterward from the pressure (typical when muscles are very tight), you can give your muscles a few days to get past the bruising before you treat them again.

You can often get natural relief from jaw pain with these self-help treatments.  Sometimes, more is involved.

For instance, if you have scoliosis or your leg is short, hips or head are tilted, you may need help to become level before your jaw joint issues can be resolved. That’s something that can also be helped naturally with the appropriate therapy.



3 Replies to “Jaw Pain – Causes & Natural Cures for TMJ”

  1. I have braces and when I press a certain point under my jaw I get pain there, I have also developed earaches…?

    1. Hello,

      There are muscles under your jaw and you are pressing into a tight muscle. Braces can cause muscle pain and tightness.

      There are several muscles that can cause you to feel pain in your ears. Some are easier to reach than others.

      There are muscles in the front of your neck. The outer ones are easier to reach. Do you also have pain over your eye and in the back of your head behind your ear? That would be your sternocleidomastoid muscle.

      There are muscles far back inside your mouth on each side near the joint. They cause ear pain, too. You could wash your hands and press way to the back near the joint of the jaw to see whether you can find any tenderness. Those are pterygoid muscles.

      The massater muscle can cause pain in the ear and over your eye and on your chin. That’s a pretty easy one to treat yourself. Place a finger on the inside of your mouth. Place your thumb on the outside of your cheek. Move finger and thumb toward the back of your jaw, toward the hinge. There may be something very hard back there. That’s the muscle. You can squeeze your finger and thumb together to treat the muscle. I hope the massater is the cause of your ear pain because it’s so easy to reach and treat.

      There are a few others but you’d need special training to access them as they as more in the throat.

      I hope this helps you get rid of your ear pain.

      The Pain Relief Coach

      Muscles in your

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