Natural Relief for Knee Pain

Knee pain can be caused by strains and tears to ligaments, injuries to the structure of the knee, or by soft tissues.  Soft tissues means everything that is not bone.  That includes muscles.

You may have to see a doctor if you have an injury which requires repair.  But for knee pain which has come on over a period of time, the following steps may be all you need to get rid of your knee pain.

1.  Re-balance and strengthen the muscles in your upper leg.  The front and back of your thigh were balanced when you were a child and used to always be on the move.  You used ALL of your muscles then.  But, now?

Well, now you have knee pain, right?  🙁

Start using all Continue reading “Natural Relief for Knee Pain”


Knee Pain Has Many Causes

There are many causes for knee pain.  Sometimes painful knees may have several causes working at the same time.  The good news is that most of the causes involve muscles and soft tissues (not bone) and can be easily “fixed.”

Sometimes knee pain is caused by an accident or injury to the bones and ligiments.  And, sometimes surgery is required to repair the damage.  In that case, muscles may still be involved.

Working on your muscles–getting them balanced by using all of them, relaxing those that are “too tight” and releasing trigger points–will still benefit you.

Muscles in your thigh can cause knee pain.

Muscles in the hamstring can also cause knee pain.

So can the muscles of your lower leg.

And so can the muscle directly behind Continue reading “Knee Pain Has Many Causes”
