12 Replies to “Thank You!”

  1. I suffer very much pain in connection with very slow healing leg wounds caused by a “thyroid gone wild” that my then doctor failed
    to notice. That MD is no longer my physician and the thyroid itself is no longer a part of my body, but the wound and/or nerve related pain is
    very much a reality.

    I cannot, nor do I want to take those very strong pain medications that are available by prescription. They work – but you pay a price: being dog tired all the hours of your day. That’s no way to live.

    So, what am I left with? At present, Ibuprofen and/or Excedrin. Two of either one or the other of them every 6 to 12 hours according to need.
    Sometimes they work, at other times they don’t.

    Is there a better way? One that I have not found yet, nor heard about?

    1. Hi Michael, Here are two other possible options which are natural:

      1. I wonder whether you have or would consider vitamin and mineral supplements? I ask because your thyroid is part of your endocrine system and it LOVES vitamins and minerals. Often thyroid surgery leaves a very small part of the thyroid. Perhaps that happened with you?

      Whether you have a sliver left or not, supplements will help support your whole body and the rest of your endo system (all parts of the endocrine system work together–as does your whole body). I have not had personal experience with wound healing as a result but bodies do heal when we give them everything they need.

      Please go to http://TooPoopedToParticipate.com That woman is very knowledgeable and I have learned a lot from her. If you sign up for her free emails, she will send you great info once a week about just one of these little powerhouses. She’s a fun read, too. Kind of sassy. 🙂

      2. Also, you may find relief from massage. Massaging the area OUTSIDE of a wound increases circulation and aids in healing. You might also find it helps with the nerve pain. Go the Categories here on the right hand side and scroll down to the Massage Category. There you will find articles about how to choose a massage therapist. You can also do your own massage if you are able to reach the wound or painful areas easily.

      Hope this helps. Please feel free to write again.


  2. Thank YOU Kathryn.

    Most of the people in my life suffer from pain. My mother’s pain is constant and she uses massage, reflexology, chiropractors, acupuncture and her ‘health care’ providers’ doctors. All provide relief which is in the end no relief.

    My quest is to disappear it, especially the memories. John Sarno has written numerous books on his thinking in the matter. Most of us as we grow older begin to accept it as part of age or we resist it with concoctions that while providing momentary relief often leave us worse for the experience later. I look forward to your story, your insights and your experience.

  3. Hi Michael,
    I hope you and your family and friends will find relief. That is my goal.
    Sometimes it takes a lot of ‘detective’ work to find the reason for pain. Sometimes it takes hardly any–it just takes knowledge of how the body works and what causes muscles to be unhappy.
    Much of what we call ‘old age’ is losing the fight to gravity. I look forward to sharing.
    Thank you for writing!

  4. Iam 72 year old retired person,, hypertension diabetic gastrol’.
    pain,and stiffness foot fingers/ and hands fingers the shouders
    to the lower back. is that due to the old age. all my life I a\was hard working man plus lot of worries which causes constipation.
    fed up withtaking pills.

    1. Hello Saad, Thank you for writing. I received both of your comments.

      Here is my thought:

      Is there a swimming pool near you? If you could spend 30 or 60 minutes each day just paddling, or waving your arms and legs in the water and moving in different directions, moving different ways, your muscles would start to feel better. Only think about the water and moving. It is almost like having a massage by the water.

      It might take only a week for you to start having less discomfort and stiffness. And it will help with constipation!

      Pills can cause constipation and they don’t generally cure anything–they just mask symptoms.

      How about taking a class in yoga or tai chi. Either of those will help you use your muscles and get stronger. We like to have long, strong muscles. Now that you do not have to have a job, you can take time to take care of yourself.

      And don’t be crabby! I know a man who was very crabby until he became very sick with cancer in his throat. Now he talks through a breathing tube but it changed his life and he is mild now and not crabby.

      Sometimes when you feel like you have to always be right it is because you are afraid or because of the pain. You want to feel in control.

      But what is more important? Being the boss who controls everyone or being the husband and father who is loved and regarded and who speaks softly and wisely?

      If you would like to look into it, there are videos and books and classes for stress relief and meditation. These are also things that I believe would help you to feel better and have less pain.

      Here is the link to a free report that you can get about meditation. http://MeditationSuccess.com You do not have to buy anything after you receive it and perhaps it will be helpful.

      I hope this helps and I thank you for writing.

      The Pain Relief Coach

  5. I am suffering with a severe left shoulder and back pain the shoulder pain is constant and nothing I do will help sometimes it goes down to my spine and chest area – I feel very tired as if I work too much but I know it is due to this shoulder pain please please help- I have seen many doctors and did not work

    1. Hello Trisette,

      Please go to http://budurl.com/CircleArms That is a video I made which will help you relax all of the muscles around your shoulder. Do the movements thoughtfully and pay attention to what you feel. It’s okay to feel a little discomfort when doing these movements but not pain. Don’t push to the point of pain.

      My best long distance guesses are that a muscle in the left side of your neck is causing this pain (the scalene muscle) OR that the muscle between your shoulder blade and ribs is in spasm. Do you also have pain in your arm or wrist?

      There are many muscles in your upper body that can cause shoulder and back pain. Give me as many clues as you can about where exactly your pain is.

      Write again so we can work at getting rid of this pain in your shoulder and back.

      The Pain Relief Coach

  6. i am a massage therapist so some of my clients you find that thhey have some knots at the back,so what advice can igve and is it ok to give them a massage

    1. Absolutely you can give someone with knots a massage. Massage is good medicine! And thank you for writing. 🙂

      But what you don‘t want to do is only work on those areas. Knots are just symptoms–the real cause of the knot is usually in another part of the back or front of the body or even the neck. The knots cannot relax unless you treat the muscles that actually caused the knots.

      If you go to http://SimpleBackPainRelief.com you will find lots more about knots and how to treat them naturally. And right here at Simple Pain Relief is a Category for Massage on the right hand side which lists more articles about massage for muscle pain and knots.

      The Pain Relief Coach

  7. I got a boob job over 3 weeks ago & I woke up on day 23 after changing positions in my sleep, to my pectoral muscle contracting over my implant. I called my surgeon & he said to move around & take some ibuprofen & it should work itself out in half an hour. Well it didn’t & it seemed to start contracting more so I went to the ER & they gave me muscle relaxers & morphine (which didn’t help the pain hardly!) anyway after a battery of tests they released me with a prescription for Vicodin and Methocarbam (muscle relaxer) and said to just wait, it should relax in a few days. Well I’m on day 4 & it still hasn’t let go so I was wondering if there’s something holistic I can do to help it along. Like massage a certain way or acupuncture

    1. Hi Isis, The pec muscle is massage-able. It attaches to your upper arm and to your breastbone. Thoughtfully touch the whole muscle. It probably covers most of your implant on the front side. If you go from very light pressure to deeper and deeper you may discover areas of tenderness that are not related to your surgery. These are the areas (may be quite wide or rather small) that are in spasm and these are the areas that you can massage–gently and thoughtfully. Even if you just hold a finger or two on a tender area for several seconds, that will help the muscle to relax.

      If it doesn’t settle down within a few days I would suggest visiting your surgeon in case the implant is shifting or something needs attention.

      The Pain Relief Coach

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