Easy Way To Improve Your Posture And Help Your Back Feel Better–Video

If you are slumping and have back pain, I can help.

Your poor back muscles are complaining. They hate being stretched when your heavy head is out in front of your body. It’s supposed to be over your body.

But lots of positions that we work or sit in let our heads move forward. Not good.

And, lots of times we get into habits like sitting on our tailbones instead of on our sit-bones. Also, not good.

This can give you knots in your back.

But, here’s an easy way to improve your posture and start to feel better.

Think “long in front and strong in back.”  That’s the goal–long muscles in the front of your body and arms and a strong backside from knees to head.

Here’s a little video to help you get started:

Whenever you do a new movement, do it thoughtfully. Pay attention to your body.

Where are you feeling the stretch? How does it feel?  How much is enough?

When you do the movement in this video gravity works with you. That’s a really good thing because most of the time gravity is not your friend.

You can also place the noodle off-center and use it as a pivot point to get even more stretch in your chest muscles.  Place the noodle lengthwise along your spine but between one shoulder blade and your spine.  And don’t do this until your chest muscles have adapted to the movement in the video.

I’d love it if you leave a comment here and let me know how this simple method of improving your posture worked for you.

Remember, bodies are logical. If you do certain things that they don’t like they will complain. They will give you pain.  🙁

Lengthening the front of your body and stretching your chest muscles will help you get rid of the pain in your back caused by poor posture.  🙂
