Restless Legs Natural Relief

Tingling, creepy, crawling, wiggling, bugs-under-your-skin feelings?  This is what restless legs can feel like.

It’s really quite annoying because it usually kicks in just when you start to relax or fall asleep.

Dr. Andrew Weil is an alternative M.D. and he suggested there is no cure in an article but he had several suggestions.  I do, too.  I’ll share mine in a bit.

Dr. Weil said:

1.  Stop smoking.  Smoking impairs blood flow to the legs.

2.  Avoid caffeine and alcohol.  They can both make symptoms worse.

3.  Take a calcium/magnesium supplement at bedtime.  He suggested 500 mg of calcium citrate and 250 to 500 mg of magnesium to calm muscles.

4.  Exercise, stretch or massage your legs.  He said this helps most people who Continue reading “Restless Legs Natural Relief”
