How To Get Rid Of Pain Caused By Collapsing Posture

If your posture begins to fail–if you start to collapse forward with your heavy head leading the way–you will begin to have muscle pain in your lower, mid and upper back and also in your neck and head.  Maybe even in your arms and hands.

That is not a good thing.

But, if you strengthen your back muscles, they will keep you from collapsing forward.  How cool is that!

You can strengthen your back muscles by Continue reading “How To Get Rid Of Pain Caused By Collapsing Posture”


How to Get Better Posture for Back Pain Relief

Back pain is often caused by posture.  When your posture collapses–you “fall forward” with your head leading the rest of the group–the muscles in your chest get short and tight.  That makes it hard to breathe, hard to hold your head up, hard to have good posture.

At the same time, the muscles in your back get overstretched and strained and so they complain.  (They hate being stretched too far!)  They give you pain to call your attention to the fact that something is wrong.

Collapsed posture also causes lower back pain, headaches and migraines, constipation and lots and lots of other problems.

It’s a primary cause of “old age.”

You had wonderful posture when you were very young and with a bit of help from you, you can have it again.

In a very small nutshell, strengthen the muscles of your backside from knees to head.  Lengthen (stretch) the muscles of your calves and the whole front side of your body from knees to head.

If you happen to see a baby, a cat or a dog stretching, imitate them. 🙂  They are stretching the correct muscles to be functional and pain-free!




Is Your Posture Good Or Poor? How Can You Tell?

Is your posture good or not-so-good?

People with poor posture look like they are leaning or collapsing forward.

Often their head is way forward in front of their body (“forward head posture.”)  The curve in their neck is either too much or too flat, and so is the curve behind their waist. Their shoulders round forward.

Poor posture impacts a LOT of your body!  Almost every part of your body is affected by collapsed posture.

Here are several things you can check so you will know whether your posture is good or not-so-good.

1.  Stand up and hold your arms at your sides in their usual position.  Look down.  If your thumbs are pointing to each other, your shoulders are rounded forward.  Your chest muscles are tight and shortened.  They are pulling your shoulders forward. 🙁  But, if your thumbs point straight ahead, your shoulders aren’t rounded forward. 🙂

2.  Are you constantly straightening up and constantly collapsing forward again? That’s a clue that the muscles in the Continue reading “Is Your Posture Good Or Poor? How Can You Tell?”


How Long Does It Take To Create A Healthy Habit?

I hate to tell you, because you probably already know, but, er…a lot of your pain and diseases just may be caused by unhealthy habits.  There.  It’s out.

So how long did it take you to develop these “bad” habits?  And, what are they?

Only you can answer the first question, but it probably happened over a long time.  You probably already know the answers to the second question, but I’ll list a few here.

  • Poor or slouchy posture.
  • Not enough healthy, fresh foods; too much processed, “fast” and “junk” foods.
  • Too little movement and exercise.
  • Too much television viewing or device use and too little sleep.

I have GOOD NEWS for you!  You can change all of those things, and more.  Your body wants to be well and healthy.  Sometimes it just needs some help from you.

Unhealthy habits interfere with your good health.  They are not health promoters. You want to feel good until you die, right?

So, how long does it take to create a healthy habit?

I have read that if we do something faithfully for 21 days, it becomes a new “habit.”  That’s not too long, that’s only 3 measly little weeks, right?

If you forget, forgive yourself and just get going again.

Here are some tips to help you get started so you can change “bad” habits into “good” ones.

Let’s use slouching Continue reading “How Long Does It Take To Create A Healthy Habit?”


Senior Citizen Pain, Posture & Exercise

Lots of times doctors tell us we have pain “because, after all, you are 60 years old.”  Or 50, 49, 72, or 84 years old.

They often neglect (just because they don’t know) the roles of your muscles and posture as causes of pain.

What are some of the benefits of senior citizens exercising and doing movements to get a straighter, stronger back?

  • You will have less back pain.
  • It will be easier to breathe.
  • There will be less pressure on your internal organs so they can function better (heart, etc.)
  • You will feel better about yourself because you will be straighter and taller.
  • You will have less pain in your back, neck, arms and hands.
  • You’ll have less constipation. (Increased movement helps your bowels move.  Straighter posture takes compression off your intestines so they have more space to move.)
  • Your blood and lymph circulation will improve.
  • Your strength will improve.
  • And, your balance will be better and that’s really important!

If you go to you will find lots of articles  which explain both why people have pain and how simple strengthening movements, that you can even do in bed, are done.

You can see there are many benefits for you, as a senior citizen, to exercise, move and get a straighter, stronger back.  And that’s a good thing

“Because You Deserve to Feel Better!”
