We Need Organic Food – Let’s Not Kill Organic Farms

Organic farmers need you!

Note:  This is an old article, originally published in 2009.  However, you’ll see that organic farmers still need us to speak up for them!

Big farm money wins in Washington DC.  Factory farms do produce a lot of, well, produce, but it’s laced with pesticides, herbicides and chemicals.  And those things end up inside of us! 🙁

So, I wrote to my legislators.  The responses I got were not even related to my letters to them.  I’ve attached them at the end of this post. ~~~~~~~

We need organic farmers, too.  Chemical companies are poisoning us and our children.

This bill, HR 875, will prevent organic farmers from doing what they need to do to get organic food to us.

I hope you can take the time to read, and please pass this along.  If you have never written to your legislator before, this would be such a good time to start.  Below is my letter to my legislator.  Below that, is his response to my previous email to him.

Re: Organic Seed Harvesting & Use HR 875

Monday, April 20, 2009 11:21 PM
“Kathryn Merrow”

“Congressman John D. Dingell”

Dear Congressman Dingell,

I have been puzzling over your response to my email.

I believe it is in the best interests of ALL Americans that organic farmers be able to harvest and use their own organic seeds.

How else will we, Americans, be able to get organic produce?

Why are you willing to put the growing business of organic farms out of business?

Of course!  That’s it, isn’t it!

If organic farmers are not able Continue reading “We Need Organic Food – Let’s Not Kill Organic Farms”
