How Food Causes Pain

Can food cause pain?

A very common reason for your aches and pains, tiredness and fatique, diabetes, lack of energy, osteoporosis and other problems and diseases is…TA DA!  The stuff you put into your mouth.  🙁

You may have heard me complain before about the state of our “food.”

Too much highly processed food (gee, I hate to call it ‘food’) comes out of the supermarket.  The packaging is pretty.  The tastes and smells and colors leap out at you.  It’s planned.

Did you know there are “food chemists” and whole industries whose only job is to get you to buy more of their company’s products?

Do you know that a lot of the flavors and scents they create and add to your food are petroleum based?  Yup, the same thing that fuels your car.  But your car was built to use petroleum.  You were not.

And ‘spices’?  Turns out that Continue reading “How Food Causes Pain”


Muscle Pain, Vitamins & Minerals: What’s the Connection?

Do vitamins and minerals cause muscle pain?  They do if you don’t have enough!

You have a smart body and it wants to be well.  In order for that to happen, you must provide everything it needs.  Some of its needs are small–like vitamins and minerals are–but so, so necessary for your muscles (and brain) to function well.

Many vitamins and minerals interact–they work together.  If you are lacking enough magnesium, for instance, that will prevent you from absorbing enough calcium.  A magnesium deficiency will cause a calcium deficiency.

According to Travell & Simons MD’s, you need iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium for normal muscle function.  The B-complex Continue reading “Muscle Pain, Vitamins & Minerals: What’s the Connection?”


Muscle Pain & Nutrition: Will Organic Food Stop Your Pain?

Pain in your muscles and soft tissues can be caused by many things.  One of them is most surely the additives and unwanted additions to the food we eat.

When your muscles are happy–getting what they need from your diet–they are able to function better.

Humans used to eat “natural.”

We ate what grew on trees, bushes in or on the ground.  We ate “wild caught” fish and meat.  Your body was designed to eat real food.

And now?

A lot of the things we eat come out of factories. Yum.

Our bodies just don’t know how to process the chemicals, petroleum products and other additives that are added for shelf life and flavor.  (Did you know there is a whole chemical industry devoted to developing new flavors and scents so we will buy more processed “food” products?)

There are lots of reasons you should consider organic food for pain relief but here’s my wrap-up:

Yes, organic food WILL help you feel better!  It WILL help your body heal and function better!

Eating organic, fresh fruits, veggies, eggs, and whatever else you like to eat WILL help you get rid of your muscle pain because you won’t be pumped full of chemicals.

You are worth it!
