Chronic Back Pain and Muscle Strain – Is There a Simple Pain Relief Answer?

You are not alone. Millions of people suffer from chronic back pain.

Sometimes your back pain is caused by something that you do.

Other times, it’s caused by something you DON’T do.  Okay, I’ll be totally honest:

There are a LOT of reasons for chronic back pain. It could be caused by:

  • Foods that causes inflammation (swelling in your muscles and soft tissues.)
  • Additives (chemicals & toxins) that are in your food.
  • Vitamin & mineral deficiencies.
  • Artificial sweeteners (chemicals & toxins) (Oops!  Did I already say that?)
  • Muscles that are “out of balance.” That means muscles on one part of your body are not in balance with the muscles that oppose them.  Some of your muscles are “too tight” and some are not strong enough to keep you where nature designed you to be.  This creates muscle strain.
  • Injury to a muscle or area of soft tissue from incorrect use or an accident.
  • Anger and sadness; strong negative emotions.

Let’s just stick to muscle strain here.  We can talk about the other causes at a different time.

Can muscle strain can be caused by doing things over and over?

Yes, and especially when the same movement is done over and over again incorrectly.

Here’s an example:

I was at the airport and I was watching the men who Continue reading “Chronic Back Pain and Muscle Strain – Is There a Simple Pain Relief Answer?”
