Back Hurts? What Should You Do for Back Pain Relief?

There can be many causes for back pain, but most of them involve muscles and soft tissues (nerves, fascia, and everything except bones.)

When you were little, you used all of your muscles.  At some point, for some reason (sitting, sports, injury) you started getting out of muscular balance.  When this happened, you were setting the stage for pain in your back.

When all of your muscles were “balanced” (neither too tight nor too weak) you didn’t have back pain.  But, now you do.

So, what should you do?

Part of the answer depends on exactly what is causing the pain in your back.

Do you have trigger points?  Trigger points are hyper-irritable places in muscles which refer, or “fire,” pain elsewhere (sometimes far away.)

Does your back hurt simply because of tight muscles or muscle strain?

Is it due to the positions or furniture you spend a lot of time in?  Or your mattress?

Could it be poor posture or habits?  A rotation in your torso?  A “slipped disk”?

The first part of the answer is to stretch the muscles which have become shortened.  These muscles are most likely at the root of your back pain, and Continue reading “Back Hurts? What Should You Do for Back Pain Relief?”
