Pain Happens for Reasons and Therapeutic Massage Can Relieve Pain

Back pain, migraines, hip pain, headaches, that “knot” in your back.  Those are all symptoms.  Something caused those symptoms.

If you can get rid of the something, you will get rid of the pain.

Now, sometimes a baby is born with a structure that is a bit different than usual and may have asymmetries (different leg lengths, for example, or upper arms that are shorter than average) which can make it more challenging to avoid pain and dysfunctions (not functioning easily and correctly.)   So, some of us start off with more to deal with.

But sometimes a little creativity and an understanding of the roles of muscles can help those people to feel better.

Others may have an injury or accident in childhood or later which can also be a cause of pain and symptoms.  You have pain but sometimes the doctor says:  There is nothing wrong; all of your tests are fine.

That is GOOD NEWS!

Why?  Because that almost always means the cause is soft tissue–muscles, fascia (like plastic wrap) and other parts of your body which are not bones.

Soft tissue is probably the cause of 90% of our symptoms yet most doctors just don’t know much about the roles of muscles and soft tissues in pain.  Just not something most of them learned in school.  Not something that is widely taught in medical schools.

But, soft tissue and muscles can be “fixed.”

A skilled muscle or massage therapist will understand WHY you have pain and which muscles or areas are causing your pain.  He or she will know how to “release” those areas of soft tissues and eliminate your pain.

There are self-help versions of massage and bodywork that you can learn to do yourself or you can go to a professional massage therapist or bodyworker.  Look in the “Category” for “Massage” right here at Simple Pain Relief and discover more about massage therapy.

Even better, go to Amazon or your local library and find a trigger point book by Claire Davies.  Easy to use.  It is one of the very best self-help pain relief books you will ever find!  I love it!

If you’d like more information about trigger points first,  go to the “Category” for “Triggers and Trigger Points” right here, too.  Just scroll through and you’ll find an article called “When Muscle Pain Won’t Go Away, Look For Trigger Points.”


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