Do Legs Cause Migraine Headaches? What’s The Fix?

Migraines can be caused by having a short leg.

According to a study by the US Army, approximately one out of ten people have an actual leg length difference. Additionally, about one out of one hundred people have pelvic bones which are smaller on one side than the other side.

According to myofascial (muscle and soft tissue) pain experts and medical doctors, Travell and Simons, a leg length difference of 1/8 inch or more puts you at risk for pain and dysfunction.  Why?

Because your body does things automatically to try to correct or adapt or accommodate that difference such as tilt, twist or rotate.

There are two types of “short legs.”  Both can cause migraines.

One is an actual anatomical difference which could be caused by Continue reading “Do Legs Cause Migraine Headaches? What’s The Fix?”
