Do you have pain in your breast that’s in about the same pattern as the deep red in the picture?
All the little red dots indicate a typical area of discomfort but the more solid red indicates an area of more pain.
You have muscles behind your breast tissue in your chest. You might not have thought of muscles causing your breast pain. Most people don’t. Not even most doctors.
Regardless, muscles are responsible for most pain, one way or another.
Do you see the “X“? That is the location of a trigger point. A trigger point is an area of extremely irritated soft tissue that causes or “triggers” pain at a distance away from itself.
The X is where you want to focus. The muscle that harbors the trigger point is on your chest, on the ribs, toward your armpit.
How can you treat the X–the trigger point-to get rid of the muscle pain behind your breast?
You may be able to apply pressure from the outside of your chest. Just press into the tissue. It’ll be tender. Tender means the muscle is “too tight.”
But if you are the one doing the pressing you can easily control the amount of pressure. You definitely want it to be uncomfortable.
If you don’t feel any discomfort it won’t help. If it’s too much discomfort, it won’t help as much as if you keep it around a “7” out of “10.”
That’s the goal whether you do this yourself or have a professional massage therapist or someone else help you.
Alternatively, you can reach behind your chest muscle from the armpit side. Curl your fingers toward your heart to catch the muscle. Pull the muscle toward your breastbone. See if you can get your fingers into a tender place.
This is not a job for people with long fingernails! Ouch! 🙂
You can help the muscle with the trigger point relax by massaging, pressing or pushing into it where the X is. Hold the pressure for about 12 seconds. You can always go back and do it again.
When the muscles on your chest relax, the pain from the trigger point will start to go away.
That’s how you can get rid of the muscle pain behind your breast naturally.