Roll Your Shoulders to Relax Your Back and Arms

Muscles get “stuck” in the positions that we use the most. Doesn’t matter whether the position makes you feel good or not-so-good. Muscles become “comfortable” in the positions they’re used to. Doesn’t matter to them whether YOU are happy or not!

Rolling your shoulders is one way to get your shoulder muscles back into balance. It help them get “un-stuck.” What do I mean by “rolling”? Just watch the little video below.

I demonstrate how easily you can start making circles with your arms–2 different moves–that will help the muscles all around your shoulder. This gets the circulation going. It gets your muscles cooperating again. It will help relax your back and “massage” your arms.

Pay attention to the feelings in your shoulders, upper body and arms as you do these movements. Don’t worry if you hear a little “clunking.” That just means there is some imbalance. You may notice that it becomes less over time as your muscles get used to working together again.

If it’s very difficult to do these movements, then only do them to the best of your ability and comfort level until your shoulder muscles and joints become used to moving again. And remember: It’s your body and you always have to make the decision about what’s best for you.

Here’s the video.


How to Get Better Posture for Back Pain Relief

Back pain is often caused by posture.  When your posture collapses–you “fall forward” with your head leading the rest of the group–the muscles in your chest get short and tight.  That makes it hard to breathe, hard to hold your head up, hard to have good posture.

At the same time, the muscles in your back get overstretched and strained and so they complain.  (They hate being stretched too far!)  They give you pain to call your attention to the fact that something is wrong.

Collapsed posture also causes lower back pain, headaches and migraines, constipation and lots and lots of other problems.

It’s a primary cause of “old age.”

You had wonderful posture when you were very young and with a bit of help from you, you can have it again.

In a very small nutshell, strengthen the muscles of your backside from knees to head.  Lengthen (stretch) the muscles of your calves and the whole front side of your body from knees to head.

If you happen to see a baby, a cat or a dog stretching, imitate them. 🙂  They are stretching the correct muscles to be functional and pain-free!




Flexibility Helps Relieve & Prevent Painful Stiff Backs

Is your back a little stiff?  Do you wish your posture was better?  Are you as flexible as you’d like to be?

Are you feeling “stuck”?

I will always believe that massage is the best thing to help muscles relax but stretching is the next best.  So, here’s something that’ll help you get “unstuck” and relieve your stiff back.

Are you familiar with the stretches called “cat” and “dog?”  I’ve also heard them called “camel” and other variations.

Sometimes they are done on all fours, on the floor, but I’m going to share a seated version with you.  If you are so stiff that it’s hard to get on the floor, you will appreciate this version.

These are good movements because they get your spine moving from front to back and your ribs moving.  These movements warm the muscles of your back and whole torso, or trunk.  They get your circulation going and can help to strengthen your back.

Here is the seated version:


Yoga and Headaches – 6 Ways Yoga Gets Rid of Head Pain

How can yoga help relieve your headaches?  Oh, let me count the ways:

  1. It relaxes the muscles around your chest, ribs, shoulders and neck.  These are the same muscles that get tight and cause headache symptoms.
  2. Yoga helps reduce your stress.  When you’re feeling all stressed, your muscles “clamp down” on nerves that go to your head.
  3. It helps strengthen the muscles of your backside and makes you long and strong; it creates muscular balance.  A strong back and a long, strong body helps you have good posture.  Good posture, with your head over your body instead of out in front, reduces headaches.
  4. Yoga gets your circulation moving and that helps move the metabolic (body) wastes out of your body.  It reduces swelling which can also be a cause for head pain.
  5. It helps you become more “in tune” with your body.  When your muscles start to complain or your head starts to hurt, you will be able to figure out the cause and correct it.
  6. Yoga can help reduce your blood pressure, but if you are having high blood pressure headaches, you’d better get to a doctor immediately!

Yoga is a full-body stretching and strengthening movement program with a lot of benefits.

If you take a class, always remember:  It’s your body.  If a move doesn’t feel appropriate to you, or feels like it will make your head hurt or your headache feel worse, DON’T DO IT.  Instead, practice a different movement (pose) or breathing.

So, yoga helps take the pressure off the muscles around your head and neck, and helps you relax, and reduces stress, and improves your breathing (shallow breathing could also be a cause of your headaches by not giving you enough oxygen.)

That’s how yoga can help you get rid of your headaches.

Here’s another way I can help you get rid of your migraines and headaches:  Head Pain Natural Relief


Simple Stretches for Short Muscles in Your Chest and Arms

Here are some simple ways to stretch the muscles in the front of your chest and arms.

But first, are you wondering why you would want to stretch those muscles?  It’s because short muscles in the front of your body very often cause pain in the back of your body (and headaches, too.)

It’s “cause and effect.”

Short front muscles are the cause of your pain.  The pain in your back, arms, neck and head is almost always caused by short anterior (front) muscles.

Your pain is the symptom.  Pain means something is not right.  Pain can mean that shortened muscles are pulling you out of balance.

So, back to the stretching…

Gravity will work with you, instead of against you, if you use this simple tool to stretch:  a long, thin, foam noodle.

The foam noodle is also called a swim noodle, or a foam roller.  Kids use them to play in the water.  They are sold in many stores and only cost a few dollars.  I’m going to tell you how to make your own roller, too, in case you can’t find one.

This foam noodle is about 5 or 6 feet long, and about 4 or 5″ across (diameter.)

Put it on the floor.  Lay on it lengthwise, so the noodle is behind your spine and head.  The whole length of your spine (and your head) is supported on the noodle.  There will be some “leftover” noodle between your legs and over your head.

And, just lay there.

How simple is that?

While you are on the noodle, let your hands be at your sides.  Put the outside edge (baby finger) of your hands on the floor.  Better still, place Continue reading “Simple Stretches for Short Muscles in Your Chest and Arms”


Simple Stretching Tips for Muscle Pain Relief

If you have back pain, neck pain, pain in your arms, or headaches, there is a really great chance that you need to open, relax or stretch the muscles in the front of your body.

The muscles in the front of our bodies shorten and become “tight” because those are the muscles we use in shortened positions most of the time.

You sit with your legs bent and in front of you.  You work with your and hands in front of your body.  And, if your posture is not the best, you also have your head in front of your body most of the day.

How do short front muscles cause headaches, back pain, pain in your neck or arms?

Simply like this.  When any of your muscles are tight, they pull on other muscles and cause them to be stretched.  Muscles which get over-stretched complain–they give you pain.

Stretching will help you get your muscles and body back in balance.

Here are some simple stretching tips.

Use gravity.  Let gravity help you.  It can be your friend.  You know how the force of gravity is always pulling you forward and down?  If you lay down on your back, and let your arms drop gently backward, that same force will pull them farther back and help stretch your chest and front-of-arm muscles.

It is so much easier to do a stretch while gravity “assists” you, when you are laying down, rather than when you are upright.

You can stretch your chest and arm muscles at the edge of your bed.  Be on your back and let your arms “fly” like a butterfly, in gentle wide swoops.  You can also Continue reading “Simple Stretching Tips for Muscle Pain Relief”
