Pain In The Arch Of Your Foot And Stiff Ankles?

If you have stiffness in your ankles or pain in the arch of your foot, this article is for you!

My client Pat had told me about the pain that ran from her hip to her foot.  We had worked on the muscles of her lower back and hip in previous sessions because those muscles can “refer” pain into the foot.

Those muscles can also press on the nerves that run to your foot.  Releasing or relaxing the low back and hip muscles can get Continue reading “Pain In The Arch Of Your Foot And Stiff Ankles?”


Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Natural Relief

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome (TTS) means that you have symptoms that can make it uncomfortable or unbearable to walk.

The symptoms can be pain, burning, nervy sensations or tingling on the sole (bottom) of your foot. You may also feel it on the arch side of your ankle or in your heel.

Symptoms are usually worse as the day goes on and may be relieved by elevating (raising) your foot, rest or massage. We are not talking sweet gentle massage here–You want deep pressure into the muscles in the arch of your foot to really “get into” the muscle.  The massage will not be comfortable but it can help.

Injury to your foot or ankle can cause TTS, possibly because of scar tissue that develops. People with flat feet can also develop Continue reading “Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Natural Relief”


Pain in Arch of Foot – Is It Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome?

Is my foot pain Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome?  This question was asked by a reader.  Here’s her question.

I was wondering if I have tarsal tunnel syndrome or if it’s something else. Normally my feet don’t hurt, but when I excercise (especially jumping excercises) I get severe pain at the bottom of my foot (in the arch area). The pain is often really bad and this is preventing me from doing a lot of the exercises that I like. I also know that the pain is not caused by bad shoes, because it happens with all shoes, even running shoes. Does this sound like tarsal tunnel syndrome?

Here’s my response:

A “syndrome” is a bunch Continue reading “Pain in Arch of Foot – Is It Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome?”


Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Can Be Tricky To Diagnose

I received an email recently and the writer told me she had “been kicked around from doctor to doctor for 2 years” before they came to the diagnosis of Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome (TTS).  She has numbness and severe pain in one foot which may have come from an old injury.  She wondered whether she will be able to get well again.

Of course, the earlier any pain is stopped in its tracks, the better the chances of a complete recovery.

Still, I believe in my heart that bodies are very smart and logical and capable of healing when they are given what they need.  I love bodies!  They want to be well.  Sometimes they just need some help.

Here is part of my response to my reader.

“By now you have hopefully received my response by email. I’m glad you finally got a diagnosis. I suggested in the email several things you can do to start the process of healing.”

“It’s really too bad that Continue reading “Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Can Be Tricky To Diagnose”
