Ten Ways To Improve Your Health And Reduce Your Pain Naturally!

Here are 10 ways you can improve your health and get rid of pain naturally:

1.  Be responsible for your own wellness.  No one cares as much about your body as you have to.

2.  Feed your body wholesome foods and avoid fake foods and additives.  Just because it is sold in a grocery store does NOT mean the thing on the shelf is food!  There is no fooling your body.  When you eat junk your body knows!

3.  Take a good multi-vitamin/mineral supplement.  I do.  I’m not a doctor but plenty of doctors take these to stay healthy, too.

3.  Reduce your stress.  Take some time out for a stress-buster like meditation or yoga.

4.  Improve your posture.  Poor posture is responsible for TONS of muscle pain!

5.  Stretch in the correct directions.  The correct direction is the one that you never or hardly ever use!

6.  Breathe deeply.  Move your ribs.  Get the oxygen in.

7.  Get enough sleep.  People in research Continue reading “Ten Ways To Improve Your Health And Reduce Your Pain Naturally!”


The Holistic Approach To Pain Relief

When you have pain, there is a reason.  But, when you go to the doctor he or she might not look for the reason at all.  Instead, the doctor may give you medicine to treat your symptoms.

However, your body is a whole unit.  That’s what the word “holistic” mean:  whole.  It’s also spelled wholistic.

Here’s an email I received from Gregg.  He has a good way with words.

Thanks again for this, Kathryn.  The more I learn, the more I realise
that your holistic approach is patently better than the specific
symptomatic approach taken by most health professionals.  I love its
inclusivity!  Which, once you’re aware of it, is just simple common
sense, too!

Well, it’s not just “my” holistic approach but that is what I do.  I help you look at your whole body to figure out possible causes for your pain or dysfunction.

Over the years I realized that most of us just don’t understand how bodies function.  I didn’t, either.  But education from brilliant minds in the natural pain relief field showed me how logical the body is.  How simply it functions.  How beautiful it is.

When you understand the causes of pain you can get rid of them holistically.  Naturally.

It’s simple.  Common sense.  🙂


Vitamin D3 Is Important To Your Health!

Vitamin D3 can help you get rid of muscle pain, feel better and live longer.  Wow!  Did I just say you could live longer with Vitamin D3?

You bet your boots!

Where does Vitamin D3 come from?

Here’s a hint:  it’s also called the Sunshine Vitamin.

But it’s not really a vitamin.  It’s a hormone that your body makes when you get sunshine on your skin.

See the problem?  We spend more time indoors than ever and when we do go out, most folks use sunscreen.

And that, dear reader, is why most people in the United States and Canada are deficient in this important vitamin.

Here’s what William Campbell Douglass II M.D. (a real doctor) said in a recent article about about D3 research.

In 2009, researchers found that senior men with low D levels were more likely to become frail. A 2001 study found that women with low D were more likely to suffer disability and problems with muscle function.

In 2006, a study found that D levels could be used to predict who’d be sent to a nursing home and who’d remain independent, while another study that same year found that seniors with low D levels were more likely to suffer physical weakness.

And in 2010, a study found that boosting D levels in seniors also boosted physical function.

So, there it is, straight from Dr. Douglass.

Get enough sunshine on your skin and/or take a Vitamin D3 supplement and you will be stronger and less frail with fewer muscle function problems.  You will feel better.

Will You Live Longer If You Have Enough Vitamin D?

People who have stronger muscles will Continue reading “Vitamin D3 Is Important To Your Health!”


Do You Need More Energy?

You need energy to get through the day.  But you are so tired!

Here’s how you can have the energy to carry on:

  • Eat real food–things that grew instead of things that grow in boxes.
  • Make water your beverage of choice.  Lots.
  • Use your body every day–stretch and move.
  • Get enough sleep.  At least 7 to 8 hours a night.
  • Turn off the news. No news is good news.
  • Consider taking a good multivitamin and mineral supplement. Seriously.

It takes energy to be able to keep on going and feel your best.

When you take good care of your beautiful body you will have the energy you need.  It won’t happen overnight.  It took a while for you to get to this point.

But if you take these action steps you WILL start to feel better and have more energy naturally.  🙂


Massage Gets Rid Of Pain!

Massage is the oldest pain medication in the world!

You may know that I have been in the massage field for over 30 years.  In that time I have seen over and over and over how beneficial massage is for so many pain issues.

Basically massage is used for 3 things:

1.  To control pain.

2.  To eliminate pain.

3.  To create wellness.

I love massage!  It really can get rid of pain in your body.  It’s good medicine.


Vitamin D3 Gets Rid Of Muscle Pain And Does Lots Of Other Great Things Too

Every time I read a new article about Vitamin D3 (the sunshine vitamin) researchers have discovered new benefits!

Here’s the link to an article that explains how D3 works and what it does.

Vitamin D3 (<– click here)

Vitamin D3 (read the label) is the proper form of D to take and it’s a really low-cost way to boost your health.  If you are one who gets SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) in the darker Continue reading “Vitamin D3 Gets Rid Of Muscle Pain And Does Lots Of Other Great Things Too”


Gratitude is Natural Pain Relief Technique

What’s the relationship between gratitude and pain?

It turns out that when you realize all that you have to be grateful for, your levels of stress and pain go down.  That’s a very good thing!

Gratitude helps you feel better on ALL levels.  Being thankful for what’s good in your life can help you feel warm fuzzies and that increases your immune response.

Increase Gratitude, Decrease Pain and Suffering.  And start feeling better!


How Food Causes Pain

Can food cause pain?

A very common reason for your aches and pains, tiredness and fatique, diabetes, lack of energy, osteoporosis and other problems and diseases is…TA DA!  The stuff you put into your mouth.  🙁

You may have heard me complain before about the state of our “food.”

Too much highly processed food (gee, I hate to call it ‘food’) comes out of the supermarket.  The packaging is pretty.  The tastes and smells and colors leap out at you.  It’s planned.

Did you know there are “food chemists” and whole industries whose only job is to get you to buy more of their company’s products?

Do you know that a lot of the flavors and scents they create and add to your food are petroleum based?  Yup, the same thing that fuels your car.  But your car was built to use petroleum.  You were not.

And ‘spices’?  Turns out that Continue reading “How Food Causes Pain”


Simple Pain Relief Tip – Raw Foods Reduce Inflammation and Pain

Inflammation causes pain and by changing your eating habits you can start reducing your pain.  Julie Hoffenberg and Sarah Woodward are the authors of the Healing Patch Cookbook and I had the pleasure of interviewing them today on Pain Relief Radio.

Your body is trying to protect you with the inflammatory response.

Your diet, however, can cause more inflammation and that creates more pain.  Pain (which causes inflammation) plus diet (which causes inflammation) equals too much inflammation! And THAT causes more pain.

Sarah and Julie explained that Continue reading “Simple Pain Relief Tip – Raw Foods Reduce Inflammation and Pain”


How to Prevent and Treat Colds and Flu Naturally by Dr. Mercola

You can prevent and treat colds and flu naturally.  Since I don’t want you to have any type of pain–not even the flu or a cold–I think it’s important to share this with you.  The healthier you are, the less pain you will have.

Here’s Dr. Mercola’s article:

Colds are a leading cause of doctor visits and missed days from work and school, and this season is no exception. Americans suffer from approximately 1 billion colds per year, or about two to four colds per year for the average adult.

But why do people start getting sick as the leaves start to fall?

Unfortunately in the US, thanks to the CDC, nearly anyone seeing their doctor for a cold will be told that they are infected with H1N1 and will be added to the already inflated CDC statistics.

However, according to the CBS News study, when you come down with chills, fever, Continue reading “How to Prevent and Treat Colds and Flu Naturally by Dr. Mercola”
