The Good News Is: Bodies Heal All The Time

Bodies heal all the time.

Sometimes when you have pain or discomfort you think, “I’m getting old.”

Or maybe you (or your doctor) says, “It’s arthritis.”

Well, maybe it’s arthritis.  Maybe not.  But it’s probably muscles and muscles are fixable.

Joint pain is often really muscle pain.  We think it’s joint pain because that’s where we feel it.  But here’s the cool thing:  When you ‘release’ or relax the muscles that cross over the joint, the pain goes away.

When you skin your knee (as I did recently–again) you can watch it heal over the course of several days.  But when the pain is inside, you can’t see it heal.

But it can.

And it does.

Bodies heal all the time.

You have a smart body and it wants to be well.  Give it what it needs:

1.  Movement, gentle and often.

2.  Good nutrients and lots of water.

3.  Positive thoughts of wellness.

4.  Massage for your muscles.  You can do-it-yourself or have professional therapeutic massage.  Muscles love a good massage!  Massage relaxes muscles and helps them function properly.

Oh, by the way…George Burns said it’s okay to get older as long as you don’t get old.  🙂


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