What Causes Pain and Numbness In Your Hands and Feet?

If you have pain or numbness in your hands and in your feet, it’s a good idea to see your doctor to rule out any serious medical condition like diabetes.

Although some people are more prone to get diabetes than others, it is largely a disorder caused by lifestyle and what we eat.  Some doctors will have you exercise and change your diet to control it.  Some doctors don’t have faith in their patients, so they will offer medications to you.

But sometimes it is NOT a whole-body issue.  Sometimes the cause of pain or numbness in your hands and feet is caused by separate things.

If the muscles in your butt–your  gluteal muscles–are tight, they can cause sensations in the soles of your feet.  So can the nerves in your back if anything is pressing on them, even barely brushing them.  Sometimes it’s pressure from a bone but much more often it’s muscle pressure.

Muscles move bones and disks.  That means your muscles are almost always causing symptoms in your feet, one way or another.  And your foot muscles can also be complaining.

If the muscles in your neck and arms are tight, they can cause sensations in your hands, wrists and lower arms.

But, if you have any reason to believe that you should see your doctor,  follow your instincts and do it.

You must be your own “medical adviser” and sometimes that means conferring with another medical practitioner–your doctor.

But if your doctor doesn’t find anything wrong that’s good news!

Why?  That almost always means your symptoms are caused by muscles (doctors don’t know much about muscles as a cause of pain or symptoms.)  And muscles can be treated naturally!

So whether your foot and hand pain or numbness is caused by a whole-body issue or two separate issues, if you do what your muscles need to be happy you will have a good chance of getting rid of both your foot and hand pain.


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